Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Recognition Of Identity American Culture - 1586 Words

Recognition of Identity in American Culture Where are you come from? Where is your family? Questions like this can be sensitive, paradoxical and intimate to people’s identity and their social locations. In America, we come from variety of cultural backgrounds and consist of different types of community based on religion. Being an American could be Jewish, Christian, Italian, gay or firefighter. Therefore, finding your position is not easy while balancing all other factors among your community. Factors may come from family, friends, community and religion and those could be very confusing to your own identity. Sometimes we have troubles to understand the identity between oneself and social community, and we may lost on the road while we try to set our roots and families. As human, we have choices to embrace our community and blend in with crowds, or deny the existent fact of ethnicity, run away from it. For Adrienne Rich , an American poets, an essayist, a committed feminist, she identifies herself to the reader, as the product of a Jewish father and a gentile mother. But she cannot find her identity throughout her childhood and her death in fighting her family religion and her community. On the other hand, Michael Perry, after 12 years of travel and living in New York, a registered nurse and magazine journalist, returned to his childhood town, New Auburn, and identified himself as a voluntary firefighter and joined the local rescue department in his home town and set hisShow MoreRelatedWhy Identity Politics Creates Barriers For Marginalized Groups Essay1503 Words   |  7 PagesJacqueline Campos Professor Jeffries 7 October 2016 AMST 101 Many, Out of One: Why Identity Politics Creates Barriers for Marginalized Groups Identity politics is an undeniable twenty first century paradigm among minority groups, sparking discourse across political and social spheres. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

Brick Support Tower Free Essays

The team thought that to be able to have a strong structure, the tower must have support on its edges (or corners). Aside from providing support, the pillars would give the tower the necessary height to lift the bricks several inches from the ground. The team came up with only one design, and was not able to conceptualize any other design because of the time constraints. We will write a custom essay sample on Brick Support Tower or any similar topic only for you Order Now The team built a brick support tower using only five (5) pieces of note cards and some of the tape. Four of the five note cards had their short end sides cut to put slits into them. The slits were made to have a way of interlocking the cards. The note cards were then rolled in their long side to form cylinders. The fifth card was placed in the middle covering the four standing cylinders, with one cylinder standing in each corner of the fifth note card. The team didn’t have any idea as to how many bricks will it be able to support. Because of the short time allotted, the team was not able to utilize the remaining note cards to build what could have been the next layer of the tower. Conceptual Development The design that the team utilized provided sturdy columns, supporting the weight of the fifth note card, and also, the weight of the loading. However, the design proved to be weak in the middle part because no support was provided. Again, due to the time constraints, the group was not able to come up with other designs. The team only used the first thing that came to their mind, and immediately, set out to prepare the note cards for that design. Results and Discussion The team was only able to come up with a one-level structure of a tower. After construction, the team immediately proceeded with testing the strength and stability of their structure. The tower was only able to hold the weight of one brick. The structure turned out to be weak in the middle portion because of no added support. Another cylinder could have supported the middle part, where the center of gravity is located and thus, putting more stress and leading to eventual sagging of the middle note card. Achieving the highest performance index for a tower supporting one or more bricks was the goal of this activity. The performance index can be computed by multiplying the distance from the floor to the bottom of the lowest brick (height in inches) with the number of bricks that was supported. The team’s design’s performance index is __, which was calculated using the height measured multiplied by 1 (only one brick was supported). Given that the tower was only single-layered. The index is relatively high. Recommendations and Closure The structure could have supported more bricks if only more of the note cards were rolled into cylinders and used as base. Though the structure is single-layered, the performance index could still be higher because more bricks will be supported. Another approach would have been building a higher structure from the note cards (about two layers) but the number of bricks it may be able to hold will remain one. The team should have come up with several designs and thought over carefully which among their designs should they use. Of course, the design must be something that is sturdy and yet, easy to do, given the limited time allotment. How to cite Brick Support Tower, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Business Operations and Performance Business Accounting

Question: Describe about the Business Operations and Performance for Business Accounting. Answer: Most of the organizations disclose the nature of operations and performances through its annual reports. However, many of the organizations do not follow any specific internal regulation to disclose the business information to its stakeholders. They do not maintain any source, from which the stakeholders can obtain necessary information about the organization. Generally, these are the small type of business firms and non-profit organizations (Van Auken Carraher, 2013). It should be noted for any business organization, stakeholders are the most important factor. As the employees, they provide the necessary workforce; as investors, they provide capital and as customers, they are the source of revenue. Stakeholders, in various forms, greatly rely on business information. Therefore, the organization has to provide operational performance related information to its stakeholders (Healy Palepu, 2012). Organization can gain various advantages through sharing of information. If the management informs potential investors about the higher profit margins, earned in consecutive periods, then it may be able to generate more equity capital and reduce the debt capital and interest expenses accordingly. By updating the suppliers about the shorter credit period and better payment schedule, the company can convince the suppliers to supply materials at lower rates. In the financial crisis periods, if the company shares the information of losses with its employee, they may not demand for annual increments. Thus, if the organization fails to provide information to its stakeholders due to absence of proper regulation, then it cannot enjoy the cost advantage of information sharing and incur higher operational cost (Asare Wright, 2012). In the books of Bells Beach Tourist Operation Journal Entries Dr. Cr. Date Particulars Amount Amount 1/7/2013 Aircraft A/c. Dr. 12000000 To, Bank A/c. 12000000 30/06/2014 Depreciation on Aircraft A/c. Dr. 1250800 To, Accumulated Depreciation-Aircraft A/c. 1250800 Income Statement A/c. Dr. 1250800 Depreciation on Aircraft A/c. 1250800 Workings:- Particulars Aircraft Airframe Engines Fixtures Fittings TOTAL 55% 40% 5% Cost A 12000000 6600000 4800000 600000 Estimated Life B 15 20000 5 (Years) (hours) (Years) Residual Value C 150000 0 0 Operating Hours in the current year D 0 2920 0 Depreciation E 430000 700800 120000 1250800 (A-C)/B (A-C)x(D/B) (A-C)/B 3:- a) Calculation of Rate of Interest Implicit:- Particulars Amount Less: Insurance Maintenance Charges Net Amount Value of Machinery $1,294,384 0 $1,294,384 1st Annual Payment $ (350,000.00) $35,000 ($315,000) 2nd Annual Payment $ (350,000.00) $35,000 ($315,000) 3rd Annual Payment $ (350,000.00) $35,000 ($315,000) 4th Annual Payment $ (350,000.00) $35,000 ($315,000) 5th Annual Payment $ (350,000.00) $35,000 ($315,000) Rate of Interest Implicit 6.92% Calculation of Present Value of Minimum Lease Payments:- Annual Payment Particulars Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Bargain Purchase Option Amount $315,000.00 $315,000.00 $315,000.00 $315,000.00 $315,000.00 $280,000.00 Interest Rate 6.92% 6.92% 6.92% 6.92% 6.92% 6.92% Discounting Factor 0.94 0.87 0.82 0.77 0.72 0.72 Present Value $294,616.81 $275,552.58 $257,721.97 $241,045.16 $225,447.48 $200,397.76 Present Value of Minimum Lease Payments $1,494,781.76 b) In the books of Burt Ltd. Journal Entries Dr. Cr. Date Particulars Amount Amount 30/06/2016 Lease Liability A/c. Dr. 350000 To, Bank A/c. 350000 Insurance Maintenance Charges A/c. Dr. 35000 To, Lease Liability A/c. 35000 Depreciation on Machinery A/c. Dr. 180731 To, Accumulated Depreciation - Machinery A/c. 180731 Income Statement A/c. Dr. 215731 To, Insurance Maintenance Charges A/c. 35000 To, Depreciation on Machinery A/c. 180731 30/06/2017 Lease Liability A/c. Dr. 350000 To, Bank A/c. 350000 Insurance Maintenance Charges A/c. Dr. 35000 To, Lease Liability A/c. 35000 Depreciation on Machinery A/c. Dr. 180731 To, Accumulated Depreciation - Machinery A/c. 180731 Income Statement A/c. Dr. 215731 To, Insurance Maintenance Charges A/c. 35000 To, Depreciation on Machinery A/c. 180731 c) In the books of Burt Ltd. Balance Sheet as on 30/06/2017 Particulars Amount Amount Non-Current Assets: Machinery at Lease (at Cost) 1294384 Less: Accumulated Depreciation 361461 932923 Non-Current Liabilities: Lease Liability 1050000 In the books of Burt Ltd. Journal Entries Dr. Cr. Date Particulars Amount Amount 30/06/2016 Rent Expense A/c. Dr. 315000 Insurance Maintenance Charges A/c. Dr. 35000 To, Bank A/c. 350000 Income Statement A/c. Dr. 350000 To, Insurance Maintenance Charges A/c. 35000 To, Rent Expense A/c. 315000 30/06/2017 Rent Expense A/c. Dr. 315000 Insurance Maintenance Charges A/c. Dr. 35000 To, Bank A/c. 350000 Income Statement A/c. Dr. 350000 To, Insurance Maintenance Charges A/c. 35000 To, Rent Expense A/c. 315000 Active market can be defined as the security market, where securities are traded at high volumes. It should be noted that many investors prefer to trade in active markets, as trading in such market does not create any impact on the price of the security. Brand names, development related expenditure etc., are considered as intangible assets. This form of asset does not have any physical form. The value of such assets is ascertained either during acquisition of other business entities or from market value (Christensen Nikolaev, 2013). On the other hand, security is a form of certificate, which provides guarantee to the investors regarding the investment in a certain project or entity. Though, securities does not have any specific physical form, like land or machinery, it is deemed to be physical and thus considered as tangible asset. Generally, securities are measured on the basis of two types of values. The price, which is notified in the certificate, is treated as book value and the other one is the market price, which is determined by the supply and demand of the certificates. An investor may own large volume of same securities. From the above discussion, it can be stated that the securities and intangible assets, like goodwill or patent are very much distinct from each other. Therefore, the active market, which is formed for trading tangible assets, like securities, cannot be used for selling intangible assets. Intangible assets are recorded mostly as single unit. Therefore, it cannot be sold in large volume (Su Wells, 2015). Moreover, due to complication in measurement process, the intangible assets cannot be valued purely on the basis of market price. References and Bibliography:- Asare, S. K., Wright, A. M. (2012). Investors', auditors', and lenders' understanding of the message conveyed by the standard audit report on the financial statements.Accounting Horizons,26(2), 193-217 Christensen, H. B., Nikolaev, V. V. (2013). Does fair value accounting for non-financial assets pass the market test?.Review of Accounting Studies,18(3), 734-775 Deegan, C. (2013).Financial accounting theory. McGraw-Hill Education Australia Healy, P. M., Palepu, K. G. (2012).Business Analysis Valuation: Using Financial Statements. Cengage Learning Horngren, C., Harrison, W., Oliver, S., Best, P., Fraser, D., Tan, R. (2012).Financial Accounting. Pearson Higher Education AU Pratt, J. (2013).Financial accounting in an economic context. Wiley Global Education Su, W. H., Wells, P. (2015). The association of identifiable intangible assets acquired and recognised in business acquisitions with postacquisition firm performance.Accounting Finance,55(4), 1171-1199 Van Auken, H., Carraher, S. (2013). Influences on frequency of preparation of financial statements among SMEs.Journal of Innovation Management,1(1), 143-157 Vernimmen, P., Quiry, P., Dallocchio, M., Le Fur, Y., Salvi, A. (2014).Corporate finance: theory and practice. John Wiley Sons Weil, R. L., Schipper, K., Francis, J. (2013).Financial accounting: an introduction to concepts, methods and uses. Cengage Learning