Wednesday, January 1, 2020

CivilizationThe West and the Rest by Niall Ferguson

In this intricate time, Niall Ferguson, the author of Civilization: The West and the Rest, presents a story and what appears as a defense of the ascend of the west to supremacy and its unrivalled influence in restructuring the world of today. The West seems to be on the defensive, confronted economically, politically, and militarily by the rise of China (delete this: as well as politically along with militarily) by a gesture of Islamist abhorrence (what do you mean by â€Å"as well as politically and militarily by a gesture of Islamist abhorrence†? It’s not clear. Are you trying to convey the idea that the West’s political and military interventions in the Muslim world are a sign of their defensive posture and abhorrence of the Muslim world? Or†¦show more content†¦The author flatly rebuffs the outlook of those who discover nothing valuable in western culture, terming their position as ridiculous. He distinguishes between the good and the bad aspects of western culture and posits that in contrast with other cultures, the enhanced side appeared on top. A number of the remarks in Civilization: The West and the Rest will not triumph over Ferguson’s contemporaries as among the sophisticated and trendy in school today. He chastises critics who talk scornfully about Eurocentrism, as if it was distasteful chauvinism. The scientific revolt was, by whichever scientific gauge, entirely Eurocentric. Ferguson offers high opinion to the academic and scientific inputs of China in addition to Islam; however, he makes it apparent that contemporary science and technology are essentially Western products. Ferguson questions whether a non-Western state can acquire scientific knowledge without compliance to other crucial western ideals like private property, liberty, the rule of law, and a representative government (Chase, 32). In numerous ways, Ferguson is a being of his generation and the position he has selected to live. The epoch symbolized by his extreme neo-liberalism is currently not as fashionable as it used to be. As such, Ferguson subsisted in America, as he affirms in his foreword, because he was involved in money and power, which reallyShow MoreRelatedCivilization : The West And The Rest Essay2220 Words   |  9 PagesCivilization: The West and the Rest, presented by Niall Ferguson, is a documentary in which Ferguson reveals what he calls the six killer applications which has helped Western civilization dominate over everyone else. These six applications are competition, science, property, medicine, consumerism, and work. Ferguson asks many questions over the course of the series as well as provides examples as to how Western civilization has surpassed other nations and empires. 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